Must have websites for every Backend Web developer..

Must have websites for every Backend Web developer..

Here are some of the gems of websites for every Frontend Developer Should Know

  1. Stack Overflow - a platform for asking and answering coding questions.

  2. GitHub - platform for version control and collaboration on coding projects.

  3. Node.js - the official website for Node.js, a popular open-source platform for building server-side applications.

  4. Django - the official website for Django, a high-level Python web framework.

  5. Ruby on Rails - the official website for Ruby on Rails, a web application framework written in Ruby.

  6. Laravel - the official website for Laravel, a PHP web application framework.

  7. PostgreSQL - the official website for PostgreSQL, an open-source relational database management system.

  8. MongoDB - the official website for MongoDB, a NoSQL document-oriented database.

  9. AWS Documentation - the official website for Amazon Web Services (AWS), a cloud computing platform.

  10. Heroku - a cloud platform that makes it easy to build, run, and manage apps.